13th May


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Let’s continue our investigation about the Self. This could be a real self discovery at the end. Let’s ask anyone to write a wish list that starts with the most important wishes. We might see something like this.
List A - I want to have:
1) a lot of money (millions of $)
2) a beautiful wife or a rich husband or…
3) a big house with all commodities (swimming pool, AC, parking lot, etc.)
4) a nice car like a Mercedes Benz, BMW, Porsche, etc.
5) intelligent Children
6) power at work to make people do what I want
7) influential and famous friends
8) the most delicious food and drinks in abundance
9) big parties
10) a strong, healthy and beautiful body, etc.

Someone else may write:  
List B
- I want to be:
1) Humble
2) Wise
3) Peaceful
4) Understanding
5) Kind
6) Patient
7) Loving
8) Forgiving
9) Detached (Mukti, Moksha)
10) Self realized
11) Engrossed in Yajnya, Daan, Tapa, Karma, Swadhaya (YDTKS)
12) Dedicated to Service, etc.

If they can do it, so can we.

We are passing through many changes and everything is shifting at accelerated rates.
Many people are still measuring their level of happiness depending on how many things they get or they have. They think the more they have, the happier they are. But, are they? Some people struggle to get houses, cars, expensive clothes, jewelry, furniture, etc. If you are rich, you have many things and you are supposed to be happy. But this is not the case most of the time. However, if you are healthy, peaceful and helpful, you tend to feel joyful and  happy. This brings us to the next question.                    Is there a material help to achieve the balance between the material external achievements and the psychological internal well being?
Yes, yes, yes, Agnihotra is the way to prosperity, peace and bliss.


Any comments, questions, suggestions and contributions to the Homa Newsletter are very welcome;
please write to Abel Hernandez & Aleta Macan  terapiahoma@yahoo.com
and add your address to your email. Thanks!


     HOMA HEALTH - NEWSLETTER #  25                        page 2

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The Son of Man, Kalki* Avatar PARAMA SADGURU MAHASHREE GAJANAN MAHARAJ from Akkalkot, who was born on May 17th 1918. He is the Kalki Avatar, who has come to re-establish SATYA DHARMA on this planet. He is the Sadguru of Shree Vasant.
Shree Vasant V. Paranjpe was born into His physcial body on May 13th, 1921. He is the author of "Light towards Divine Path", "Homa Therapy - Our Last Chance", "Grace Alone", "10 Commandments of Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan

Mahashree Gajanan Maharaj

Maharaj" and many articles about Homa Therapy. He has spread Homa Therapy and Fivefold Path all over the world. He is a living example of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, WISDOM and HUMILITY. He is a true inspiration to SERVICE. He is a PERFECT MASTER and a PERFECT DISCIPLE.
When it comes to BEINGS like Shree and Mahashree, words say nothing, however everything that happens around the world through Homa Therapy and Fivefold Path is Their fruit. "We can identify the tree by its fruit."

(*The word "kalka" comes from sanskrit and means: pollution, impurity. The word "kalki" refers to the person that has come to fight pollution.)


Messenger of the Sacred Fire
The Extraordinary Life & Works of Shree Vasant Paranjpe

By Parvati Rosen-Bizberg

"He sat at the Feet of His Master, Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj, and received the command to take Agnihotra to the West. No further explanation was required. Shree Vasant Paranjpe moved from that small room in an ashram in India to every continent around the world. Fuelled by intense devotion and love, He carried the simple yet powerful teachings of the Fivefold Path of the Vedas everywhere He traveled. He is a visionary who pioneered the use of the ancient science of Homa Therapy into every aspect of life today, from agriculture to psychotherapy, alternative medicine to self-development, from global warming to ecological balance. He is an example of 'Love They Neighbour as Thyself' and through His practice of teaching by example, He has touched the lives of people from every race, religion, nationality and creed.
(available in English. Spanish translation in process)



     HOMA HEALTH - NEWSLETTER # 25                            page 3

2nd Anniversary Gift:


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The Parama Dham Fire Temple was established in 1973 by Shree Vasant Paranjpe in Madison, Virgina, USA. Daily  sunrise and sunset Agnihotra and 4 hours of Tryambakam Homa are maintained here; on Full- and New moon days 24 hour Tryambakam Homa is maintained.

Jane Mullan, Sperryville, VA, USA

"My name is Jane Mullan and I am the director of Hearthstone School in Sperryville, Virginia, U.S.A. On August 2nd, 2007 I visited the Parama Dham Fire Temple in Madison, Virginia. The Fire Temple was said to be a very peaceful place and I was just going to stop by for a moment. I parked in front of the building and saw a lot of energy around it--strong, solid, tightly knit energy around the house. When I walked up to the arched trellis at the entrance to the property I could feel a strong energy there. When I walked through the archway, I felt that I was in the energy. I walked back and forth, going inside and outside the archway a couple of times, feeling the difference between the energy inside and outside. There was a definite shift of energy.

Ms. Jane Mullan

When I went into the yard I experienced a different dimension. My mind felt different. There were no worries about regular worldly things. I felt detached from worldly matters. I would call it an altered state. I looked around the yard and could see how the energy sort of circled the property, though the shape wasn't exactly round. When I looked beyond the yard, that dimension wasn't there-there was just the old world energy.
I walked up to the porch of the Fire Temple and the energy got stronger. I stood on the porch and thought, "What is this energy here?" For a moment I just stood outside the door on the left and could feel the energy inside the door. I tried to prepare myself for what was inside.
When I opened the door, I saw so many Light Beings! The room was full of them! Some of the Light Beings felt as if they were just holding the energy and strength in the space. Others came right over to the door, ushering me in, asking, "What do you need help with? We're here to help". I felt as if you could put forth whatever you wanted to work on and they would do their best to help you with it.
I sat on a pillow near the altar and the energy was very intense there, peaking. It felt like a very sacred space. I wanted to be very careful not to disturb anything. I hadn't planned on asking for any help; I just came to see the temple, but the Light Beings were inviting me to use this energy in the Fire Temple to do things. I am the director of a school, and silently I asked about a dark energy I had felt was around the school.
There was so much energy in the temple that I got help so quickly. As I was silently putting forth the darkness I wanted help with, I felt this energy come down, pull the darkness out and lift it up. Suddenly, I felt so good! So much lighter! It all happened in a few seconds.
It felt so good to be in the temple, but I wondered if there was anything more for me to do while I was there. Silently I asked the Light Beings, "Should I stay?" They said no, that I had gotten my blessing, and that was it! I walked to the door and gave thanks to all who were helping.
Outside the door I felt less energy. Looking around in the yard I wondered what this incredible energy was. The energy in the Fire Temple felt stronger than in any church I've ever been in.
When I was outside at the road, I was back in the world again, but I felt so light and good! My body was buzzing with energy! I could hardly contain myself.
From the road, the Fire Temple just looks like a little house; you would never know what's inside!"



     HOMA HEALTH - NEWSLETTER # 25                     page 5

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A documentary most Americans will never see


Vanity Fair May 2008

On March 11th a new documentary was aired on French television. It is a documentary most Americans will never see, explaining how the gigantic biotech corporation Monsanto is threatening to destroy the agricultural biodiversity which has served mankind for thousands of years.
For millennia, farmers have saved seeds from season to season. But when Monsanto developed GM seeds that would resist its own herbicide, Roundup, Monsanto patented the seeds. For nearly all of its history the United States Patent and Trademark Office refused to grant patents on seeds, viewing them as life-forms with too many variables to be patented. But in 1980 the U.S. Supreme Court allowed for seed patents in a five-to-four decision, laying the groundwork for a handful of corporations to begin taking control of the world’s food supply.
Since the 1980s, Monsanto has become the world leader in genetic modification of seeds and has won 674 biotechnology patents, more than any other company. Farmers who buy Monsanto’s Roundup Ready seeds are required to sign an agreement promising not to save the seed produced after each harvest for re-planting, or to sell the seed to other farmers. This means that farmers must buy new seed every year.
Monsanto puts pressure on farmers, farmers’ co-ops, seed dealers, and anyone else it suspects may have infringed its patents of genetically modified seeds. To do this, Monsanto relies on a shadowy army of private investigators and agents. They secretly videotape and photograph farmers, store owners, and co-ops. They infiltrate community meetings. They gather information from informants about farming activities.
Some Monsanto agents pretend to be surveyors. Others confront farmers on their land and try to pressure them to sign papers giving Monsanto access to their private records. Farmers call them the “seed police” and use words such as “Gestapo” and “Mafia” to describe their tactics.
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/05/01/this-company-may-be-the-biggest-threat-to-your-future-health.aspx?source=nl (video in english)



Another eye opening movie clip showing the spraying of environmentally toxic,  health-damaging and mind-controlling chemicals in Argentina.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3HzyXJE9oc (video in spanish)



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Homa Teachers Karin Heschl (from Austria living in India) and Dr. Ulrich Berk from Germany traveled for 2 months in India from North to South teaching Agnihotra, visiting farms, Go-shalas, educational centers, NGO's and activating Homa farms.
They were able to introduce Agnihotra and Homa Farming to many people and made contacts with scientists and researchers.
In spite of the busy schedule they did find time to enjoy some of India's abundant  miracles of nature and cultural sites.



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Before leaving India, we had another opportunity to teach Agnihotra and present Homa Therapy to civil engineer students, who came with their Prof. Col. Prakash Inamdar.


Eng. Luis Tafur and his family, Jaen, Peru practicing daily Agnihotra healing fire.
Eng. Luis Tafur Gonzales from Peru, after supervising many agricultural projects with Homa Supertechnology, done through the Dept. of Agricultural of the Republic of Peru, he has become a promoter and practitioner of Homa Therapy.
He does not hesitate to travel 100’s of kilometers (sometimes with all his family) to give testimony of his findings and experiences. His only motivation is selfless Service.


We felt tremendous joy meeting again with the Agnihotri group of West Palm Beach. Mario and Yuri Chavez keep this family active. So much love can be experienced in the interaction of these people, everybody wanting to help and to serve the other.


Sharing quiet Agnihotra moments with cows, goats, sheep, horses, dogs, cats and a mule in Okeechobee with Meche, Polo and Lili, who moved recently into a farm close to Okeechobee to become acquainted with the future way of living.



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            We can say that Agnihotra and Yajnya is life sustaining. What a nice way to say it. It just does not seem to make it as mystical or scientific as any other way.
          We have to make it so that anyone can get whatever they need from Agnihotra, Yajnya and the Fivefold Path. People need to have some discipline, some structure in their lives.
            How to teach humility? Only by Grace and by facing our actions and accepting responsibility for those actions can one ever hope to become humble.
          Only way the world would be saved is with FIRE. It is not even HOMA farming, Science, nothing. It is all HOMA fire and Mantras, disciplines and LOVE.

            All the King’s horses and all the King’s men cannot put humpty dumpty together again. Therefore let us practice immediately not to have any expectations of others in any way. Then we are free. We can experience here Peace that passeth understanding. It becomes of primary importance in our lives that we are just guided by Grace to do the correct things at the exact times.

Time has come when we don’t have to do anything, go to anyone. All the correct people will just be sent to us at exactly the right time.
            Time has come when we cannot wait for anyone. It is up to us to do what we are supposed to do and catch hold of the opportunities that are presented to us for our benefit. This is the easiest way to work out our past load of Karma. If we miss this opportunity there is no second chance.



     HOMA HEALTH - NEWSLETTER # 25                     page 9

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received by Parvati Bizberg, Poland)

The frequencies on Earth are all being scrambled, if you will, resulting in mental confusion, lack of energy, impaired coordination, disinterest in social interaction and physical exhaustion following even slight exertion. These symptoms may be allayed by proper diet, sufficient rest, practice of Agnihotra and other fires, and so on. Breathing exercises are crucial at this time. All beings should be doing some type of breathing technique which stimulates the brain and brings oxygen into all the cells of the body. Breathing exercises such as simple Pranayama are recommended now for all beings.
The situation on the planet today is this—unless beings fortify themselves and begin to take more concern over what goes into their bodies in the way of nourishment, these symptoms will become even more acute, causing at the least lethargy and at the most, inability to resume one’s life’s work. The atmosphere is being poisoned on a daily basis, in part due to pollution and the depletion of the ozone layer at a rapid rate…and in part by governmental efforts to subdue society through a combination of Chemtrails, water tampering, and various other methods. These methods are not used everywhere. There are places which are devoid of the effects of these methods.

However, one cannot simply move to another location in order to avoid the assault.
One may ingest pure Agnihotra Ash daily, three times a day. This will allay the strongest negative effects! Such a simple cure. We would recommend becoming aware of the times in which more Chemtrails are being sprayed. One can take ash at that time and also one can avoid being exposed to the Chemtrails during the high time of their being dispersed.

If you are gardening with ash, all the vegetables and fruits will be protected from the adverse effects of Chemtrails, chemical farming nearby and the implantation of GM crops. This is a tall order, but Agnihotra ash can certainly have an extremely positive protective effect.


Thanks for sharing the "Good News" with this Homa Newsletter!

Further web sites on Homa Therapy:

www.terapiahoma.com    www.homa1.com   www.homatherapy.info
www.agnihotra.org     www.homatherapie.de      www.homatherapy.de www.tapovan.net    www.homatherapyindia.com     www.homatherapy.org  www.terapiahoma.com.pl    www.terapiahomabrasil.net

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