Quotations from report sent from the MANAGER of PADRE ABAD MICRO REGION to the PRESIDENT OF THE TRANSITORY COUNCIL of UCAYALI REGION about results obtained with HOMA THERAPY Techniques.


..."the Regional Government has been supporting the preliminary work of the technique known as HOMA THERAPY in Agro-Cattle production, under the Technical Consultancy of Dr. GLORIA LUZ GUZMAN MENDEZ. With University Degrees in Pharmacy and Biochemistry, specialization studies in HOMA THERAPY."

..."The first results were obtained in Nueva Requena where the following was observed:

a) Eradication of "Black Sigatoka" from plantains and Bananas;

b) Resistance of Cuban Clones to the attack of "Black Sigatoka"

c) Recuperation of 2000 Cedar saplings which had been declared totally lost due to the attack of EPSHIPHILLA GRANDELA

d) Vigor in the development of forestry trees called WHITE BOLAINA and SANGRE DE GRADO

e) The growth of plants was accelerated and the time required for harvesting was reduced in the case of papaya, coconut, carambola (a fruit) and vegetables in general

f) Resistance to the attack of plagues and diseases in nursery forestry saplings"

..."There is now a proposal to work in the following areas:

a) Installment of a GERMOPLASM BANK of plantains and bananas.

b) Installation of 1000 hectares (has.) of oil palm in the locality of Curimaná.

c) Installment of 100 has. of cocoa in the district of Irazola-San Alejandro.

d) Recuperation of 500 has. of improved pasture land ( Brachiaria Decumbens)."

..." In the Public Relations office of the Regional Government, there is a VIDEO about the visit carried out to the locality in Nueva Requena."